Fabio Maglio
He graduated in economics at the Università della Svizzera Italiana. Holder of a qualification as a Certified International Investment Analyst awarded by the Swiss Financial Analysts Association. He started his career at UBS as a Portfolio Manager, where he gained experience in managing discretionary mandates for private clients over a period of 8 years. From July 2008 he worked at Crossinvest SA in Lugano as Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Institutional Asset Management, with responsibility for investment fund bond investments, From 2011 to 2014 he was employed at MVC & Partners SA as Senior Portfolio Manager responsible for bond investments, before moving to Heron Asset Management SA, a company in which he held the role of Portfolio Manager of the bond fund, Senior Advisor for institutional clients and senior executive, until August 2016. Since September 2016 Fabio has been back at MVC, with the role of Chief Investment Officer.