Davide Banchini

Davide Banchini

He graduated in economics at the Università della Svizzera Italiana and holds the Swiss Diploma of Financial Analyst and Wealth Manager and the International Diploma in Technical Analysis. He began his career in 2001 at UBS in Lugano as an Investment Advisor and specialist in the Swiss stock market, where for 5 years he gained experience in providing direct consultancy services to institutional clients.
Also, from 2005 he worked at UBS as an Investment and Portfolio Advisor in support of private clients. Internally he taught the Derivatives & Structured Products course as part of the Key Training / Curriculum / Fundamentals of Finance training programme.
From 2011 to 2013, he held the role of Investment and Portfolio Advisor, focusing on the bank’s Ultra High Net Worth clients.
Since August 2013 he has worked for major Family Offices and asset managers in the Lugano stock market with responsibility for asset allocation and fund selection, participating in investment committees and implementation decisions on discretionary, advisory and supervisory mandates.
Over a brief period he gained experience in the management of investment funds, directly managing a multi-asset fund and co-managing a bond fund and an equity fund. Since January 2019 he has held the role of Product Specialist at Mayfair Financial Services Ltd. In October 2020, he joined MVC as Senior Consultant.